Dissecting the intricate web of geo-political dynamics, a glaring trend emerges, one that reveals the United States as a central figure in global conflicts over the past decades. Cloaked in the guise of a peacemaker, the U.S. has played the role of a mischief-maker, strategically utilising nations like Israel and the UK to perpetuate instability for its gain.
Scrutinising the situation in the Middle East, a region marred by perpetual conflict. Despite proclaiming friendship with the Gulf nations and Israel, the U.S. is fostering discord. Biden’s cryptic statement about ‘inventing in Israel’ even if it didn’t exist suggests a vested conflict of interest in regional turmoil. This veiled endorsement of conflict serves to sustain the U.S. military-industrial complex, ensuring a continuous flow of dollars to the corrupt elite, even though Hamas is a US-Israeli product. U.S. has without doubt exploited Israel, obstructing its path to peace with neighbours and Palestinians for decades, all while fostering an environment conducive to arms sales and resource extraction, for the USA and Netanyahu, it’s a marriage of convenience based on greed, not peace. Dear Israel, America is not your friend, it has never given you peace, you are nothing to the USA but an arms ATM.
Examining the perceived threats to Israel reveals a calculated strategy. Exaggerating dangers, the U.S. manipulates the narrative, inducing rich Arab nations to pour trillions into arms from the US for regional threats it effectively fabricated, the Arab leaders fell for it and were coerced or bought out by Israel and the USA. This fearmongering perpetuates a cycle of mistrust, ensuring a lucrative market for arms sales and cheap resources. The U.S. showcases no allegiance to genuine friendships; its actions are guided solely by economic self-interests.
Shifting focus to Europe, the U.S. capitalises on proxy wars, with the conflict in Ukraine, to boost its economy through arms sales. In contrast, the imbecile European leaders seemingly led astray! And destroyed their economies to the detriment of their citizens. Allegations surface that the U.S. has paid off leaders and media in France, the UK, Italy, and Germany to destabilise the European Union, paving the way for the U.S. to step in and satisfy the demand for goods in Europe. Broken Europe has now become a joke across the world and only helps the US get richer as poverty grows in Europe.
A question looms large: Is America a friend or foe? Evidence suggests a complex narrative where the U.S., driven by self-interest, employs manipulation, fear, and political & economic coercion on the global stage. The choice is yours to make, but the patterns of behaviour hint at a superpower driven more by its agenda of corruption and greed than the principles of international cooperation and humanity.
No matter what faith, creed, or culture, that ordinary person in the street wants to live in peace with all. But it’s the politicians who want us to fight because they benefit from bribes and kick back in the value chain of conflict. People need to wake up and hold the corrupt politicians to account. In your misery, they get rich.